Searching and filtering global identifiers

Use the Global identifiers screen, which is opened from the main menu's Search menu, to search and filter global identifiers.

Click the hyperlink below to find out further details on searching and filtering global identifiers.

This topic details how to search and filter global identifiers.

This feature is only available to administrators, or users who have the Global identifiers manager permission selected on the Edit user screen.

  1. On the main menu click Search, then click Global identifiers.

    The Global identifiers screen opens with all the global identifiers in your OSS-ESPA account.

    NOTE: For speed performance the screen opens by default with a filter applied to the identifier type so that the results are only displaying the targets. If you also want the results to display the associates then you must clear this filter by clicking or Clear filters.

  2. To perform a search, use the search field.

    You can use the search field to search for either full or partial words and numbers. The search can be performed using letters, numbers, and also - and (). This search field searches for results in the Identifier and Category columns.

  3. The Identifier tab lists all the identifiers, such as phone numbers within your OSS-ESPA account that have Enable deconfliction (X-Case data search) selected. The table displays: the identifier, the type of identifier, the number of cases it is in, the case types, whether the identifier is a target or an associate, and if it is listed on the white or black list. Click the arrow alongside the identifier to display all the cases the identifier was in, either as a target or as an associate, along with additional details such as the person name and case type. You can also click the person's name to display all their details, and click the case name to open the case.

  4. You can open filters to the right of the screen that allow you to apply a combination of filters based on the type of identifier, number of cases, case type, identifier type, and white/black list category.

    After setting the required filter click Apply filters.

    The ability to apply a combination of filters is powerful feature which allows you to filter out the data you want to analyze further, for example you could search for only those identifiers that were in three or more robbery cases by setting # Cases to 3 and Case type to Robbery.

    When a filter is applied you can quickly identify it by , remove it using , and remove all filters using Clear filters.