View i-cases screen
This topic provides an overview of the View i-cases screen and all the settings and buttons on it. However if you require step-by-step procedures on using this screen refer to Managing intercept monitoring case details using the View i-cases screen.
This feature requires option E14 Sentinel. If you do not have this option this feature is not available.
The View i-cases screen is used to manage lawful intercept monitoring cases along with their i-cases (intercept cases). It allows you to create, edit and delete: cases, people, phones and i-cases. The i-cases, which can be structured directly to a case, person or phone can also be enabled and disabled on a case, person, phone or an individual basis.
From this screen you can also open the Sentinel screen which allows you to monitor the intercepts. You can select to open the Sentinel screen on either a case, person, phone or an individual i-case and the Sentinel screen opens with the relevant intercepts selected by default, however you can change the selected i-cases on the Sentinel screen if required.
You can assign other users to your cases if they have permission to the folder that the case is within. Contact your administrator if another person needs assigned to your case but does not have permission to the folder.
This screen also allows administrators to create folders and assign permissions to the folders and cases.
If you require information on using this screen refer to Managing intercept monitoring case details using the View i-cases screen.
NOTE: i-cases can also be managed using the Manage case screen. The View i-cases screen and these screens are coupled therefore any changes you make on one results in the same change on the other.
This icon is only applicable to administrators. Click to create a folder. If you currently have a folder selected then the folder is created within it, if not the folder is created at the top level.
Click to create a case. This icon is only available when you have nothing selected on the screen or when you have a folder selected. When you have nothing selected the case is created at the top level and when you have a folder selected the case is created in the folder.
This icon is only applicable when you have a case selected. Click to open the Add i-case dialog box which allows you to add an i-case along with an optional person and phone number.
Right-click a folder to display this menu. Administrators have additional options on this menu to normal users.
This menu item is only available for administrators. Click to open the Add folder dialog box which allows you to create a sub-folder within the currently selected folder.
Click to open the Add Case dialog box which allows you to add a case. For further information on creating cases refer to To create a new case.
This menu item is only available for administrators. Click to open the Folder property dialog box which allows you to edit the folder name and location.
This menu item is only available for administrators. Click to open the Permission for folder dialog box which allows you to assign users permission to the folder and optionally all sub-folders and cases.
This menu item is only available for administrators. Click to delete the currently selected folder and all the cases within it.
Right-click a case to display this menu.
Click to open the Add i-case dialog box which allows you to create an i-case. It also allows you to create an optional person and an optional phone number.
Click to open a new browser tab displaying the selected case on the Manage case screen.
Click to open the Sentinel screen which allows you to monitor the i-cases. The Sentinel screen opens on a separate browser tab with all the i-cases for the case selected.
This menu item is only available when the case contains a person. Click to open the ESPA analysis center screen which allows you to analyze the case. The ESPAanalysis center screen opens on a separate tab.
Click to open the Case properties dialog box which allows you to edit the case type and name. It also allows you to move the case to another folder.
Click to open the Permission for folder dialog box which allows you to assign other users to the case.
Click to delete the case.
Click to enable or disable all i-cases in the case.
Right-click a person to display this menu.
Click to open the Add i-case dialog box which allows you to create an i-case for the selected person.
Click to open a new browser tab displaying the selected case on the Manage case screen.
Click to open the Sentinel screen which allows you to monitor the i-cases. The Sentinel screen opens on a separate browser tab with all the i-cases for the person selected.
This menu item is only available when the case contains a person. Click to open the ESPA analysis center screen which allows you to analyze the case. The ESPAanalysis center screen opens on a separate tab.
Click to open the Person property dialog box which allows you to edit the person's name. It also allows you to move the person to another case.
Click to delete the person.
Click to enable or disable all i-cases on the person.
Right-click a phone to display this menu.
Click to open the Add i-case dialog box which allows you to create an i-case for the selected phone.
Click to open a new browser tab displaying the selected case on the Manage case screen.
Click to open the Sentinel screen which allows you to monitor the i-cases. The Sentinel screen opens on a separate browser tab with all the i-cases for the phone selected.
This menu item is only available when the case contains a person. Click to open the ESPA analysis center screen which allows you to analyze the case. The ESPAanalysis center screen opens on a separate tab.
Click to open the Phone number property dialog box which allows you to edit the phone details.
Click to delete the phone.
Click to enable or disable all i-cases on the phone.
Click to open a new browser tab displaying the selected case on the Manage case screen.
Click to open the Sentinel screen which allows you to monitor the i-case. The Sentinel screen opens on a separate tab with the i-case selected.
This menu item is only available when the case contains a person. Click to open the ESPA analysis center screen which allows you to analyze the case. The ESPAanalysis center screen opens on a separate tab.
Click to open the i-case Property dialog box which allows you to edit the settings associated with an i-case such as the CASEID (LIID).
Click to delete the i-case.
Click to enable or disable the selected i-case.