Import or export validation references screen
This topic provides an overview of the Import or export validation references screen and all the settings and buttons on it. However if you require step-by-step procedures on importing and exporting validation references and groups, refer to How to import ELSUR validation references and How to export ELSUR validation references.
This feature requires option E14 Sentinel. If you do not have this option this feature is not available.

Use this filter to help locate the validation reference you want to export based on its name. You can either select the name from the menu, or at the top of the menu you can enter part of the name to filter the menu further.

Use this filter to help locate the validation reference you want to export based on its message type. You can either select the message type from the menu, or at the top of the menu you can enter part of the name to filter the menu further.

Click to return to the ELSUR Record Validation screen.

Click to export the selected validation references. All the validation references you have the check-box selected on are exported to one file.

Click to import validation references to your OSS-ESPA account, that have been exported from another OSS-ESPA account.