The Create new wiretap line and Edit wiretap line screens allow you to define the configuration of the lines that are used within the Gladiator Forensics CCVS (Call Content Voice Server). The CCVS is used to manage all the live monitoring voice call content when a new voice call from a subject arrives from the operator with voice content authorized. When such a call arrives the Gladiator Forensics intercept solution detects from the HI2 whether or not the call is a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), and informs the CCVS so it can manage the call accordingly. Both VoIP and PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) calls are routed, recorded and managed by the CCSV, however the PSTN calls must have a wiretap line associated with it, while the VoIP call does not. You must set up the wiretap line for the queue using either this screen or the Create new monitoring queue screen and Editing queue screen and provide the same number to the operator to allow the call content to be properly routed.
You can define up to 23 telephone lines.