Using public record files when investigating a case

This topic describes how to use public record files cases.

This feature requires option E6 Public records data. If you do not have this option this feature is not available.

Public record files are generated from tools such as Thomson Reuters CLEAR and Whooster, and allow you to do reverse phone number look-up. This allows you to correlate phone numbers from the CDRs with names and address of the owners of those numbers.

There are two methods of importing public records into OSS-ESPA:

  • The preferred method for public records that are from Thomson Reuters CLEAR or Whooster, is for you to use the CLEAR or Whooster request feature which is available from multiple locations in OSS-ESPA as detailed in the following procedures. Using this method OSS-ESPA automatically exports the phone numbers you are interested in directly to Thomson Reuters CLEAR or Whooster then automatically imports the public record data into OSS-ESPA. You will receive an email when the CLEAR or Whooster request is complete and the data is available for you to use in OSS-ESPA. In order to use the CLEAR request feature your administrator must first provide Gladiator Forensics with your organization's CLEAR certificate which you can obtain from your Thomson Reuters CLEAR representative. Gladiator Forensics will then apply your CLEAR certificate to your OSS-ESPA account. Your administrator must also enter your organization's User ID and Password for CLEAR, or API key for Whooster.
  • The alternative method can be used for public records from other applications or files you have created. This method is a manual process. Using the ESPA analysis center screen, OSS-ESPA allows you to generate a .csv file containing phone numbers of interest. This list is then imported into a public record tool which generates a public record file in .csv format. You can then upload the public record file to OSS-ESPA.

    NOTE: You can also use this feature to import .csv files you've created yourself which contain names, phone numbers and other data. For further information refer to Manage files screen.

Once uploaded the records are available on the ESPA analysis center screen for you to use in your investigation. The records are displayed on the Public records tab and on the map. You can select on an individual basis which records you want to use in your case. When you select to use a record the name associated with that record is then automatically displayed on the CDR data tab, the Timeline tab and the Call analysis tab.

The following graphics provide overviews of how public record data is used on the ESPA analysis center screen.

  • This graphic displays how and where the names are displayed on the ESPA analysis center.

  • This graphic displays how the location markers and location properties are displayed on the ESPA analysis center. If required you can add the location to your case from both the map and the Public records tab as shown in the graphic.

If you have an account which includes IQ packets then the public record data is included in your IQ packet's common and frequent analyses results.

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