How to create a key

As a customer administrator, after you have created a template you must create keys in OSS-ESPA for the key words you identified in the template. This is described in the following procedure.

NOTE: This topic is only for administrators or users with the Templates manager permission. If you are not an administrator or do not have this permission and simply want information on using templates and keys refer to Using templates.

  1. On the main menu click Templates, then click Manage template keys.

    The Key management screen opens.

  2. Click New key.

    The Add key screen opens.

  3. In Key type, select the type of key you want to create.

  4. In Key name, enter a name for the key which must match that in your template.

  5. In Key description, enter a description for the key which is meaningful to provide further clarification of the key's purpose which could not be included in the Key name. This is displayed when the user is filling in the template details.

  6. In Key sample format, you may want to enter an optional tip for the format or type of text the user should enter. This then appears as a light grey color in the template but disappears when text is entered. For example, if the key is intended to be an email address you could enter

  7. In Key data type, the menu varies depending on what Key type you selected. Select the option for your key.

  8. In Key order, enter a value to define the order the keys are displayed to the user on their Add/Edit template to case screen. The keys are displayed on this screen in three separate groups based on whether they are user, case or global keys, therefore each key type has its own set of numbers. For further information refer to Key order.

  9. Click Save. Your key is saved and you return to the Key management screen.