Link analysis dialog box
This topic describes the purpose of the Link analysis dialog box, how to access it and all the settings and buttons on it.
This feature requires option E4 Phone data/analytics. If you do not have this option this screen is not available.

The Link analysis dialog box allows you to run a link analysis between two or more phone numbers. This analysis uses all the data you have uploaded including CDR files and phone data files and then provides you with all the connections between the phone users. The data included in the analysis is from:
- Calls and texts from the CDR files
- Calls and texts from the phone data files
- Email logs from the phone data files
- Instant messaging logs from the phone data files
- Other data sources from the phone data files such as instant messenger contacts, email contacts and Facebook friends.
This analysis is similar to the Common numbers analysis on the Call analyses tab, however the common numbers analysis only uses the data from the CDR files.
If you require information on running a link analysis refer to Running a link analysis.

This setting is mandatory. This setting is automatically completed with the date and time of the earliest call from all the CDRs that you uploaded for the case. If you want to change the start date and time you can use the date and time pickers to enter the details, or you can enter them manually. If you enter them manually note that the date format used is month/day/year. This date along with the End date are used to retrieve the data used in the link analysis.

This setting is mandatory. This setting is automatically populated with the date and time of the latest call from all the CDRs that you uploaded for the case. If you want to change the end date and time you can use the date and time pickers to enter the details, or you can enter them manually. If you enter them manually note that the date format used is month/day/year. This date along with the Start date are used to retrieve the data used in the link analysis.

Click to select all the phones listed. All the check boxes are updated to show they are selected.

Click to deselect all the currently selected phones. All the check boxes are cleared.

This setting is mandatory. Enter a name for your link analysis report. When this analysis is run this report name is then displayed on the ESPA analysis center screen in the Analysis results view's Case analyses tab.

Click to close the dialog box without applying any changes you may have made.

Click to run a link analysis on the selected phone numbers. To run an analysis you must select a minimum of two phone numbers. Depending on the quantity of data being analyzed it may take between 1 to 10 minutes. The status and results are displayed on the ESPA analysis center screen in the Analysis results view's Case analyses tab using the Report name you entered.