Add/Edit white list dialog box
This topic provides an overview of the Add/Edit whitelist dialog box and all the settings and buttons on it. However if you require step-by-step procedures on using Global identifiers refer to Using global identifiers.
This feature is only available to administrators, or users who have the Global identifiers manager permission selected on the Edit user screen.
The Add/Edit whitelist dialog box allows you to manually enter a white list identifier and its details, such as the name and address.
It can be opened from the White list tab of the Global identifiers screen, either by clicking to add a new identifier or clicking for an existing identifier.
White list identifiers are common identifiers that may provide you with useful case leads, for example, phone numbers of banks, airlines, or stores. The identifier's associated data is then included in OSS-ESPA and in OSS-SRN Express Portal's X-Case queries. This can provide you with useful leads to follow up on, for example a hotel phone number could indicate where a person is currently sleeping, or an airline number could provide the details of a booked flight. The names on the white list are used to identify the phone numbers throughout OSS-ESPA, such as on the ESPA analysis center screen, Sentinel screen, Case Management and IQ packets. CLEAR and Whooster public record requests do not request data for white list numbers.
It is mandatory that you enter a Phone number.
There are some predefined categories that you can select such as airlines and banks, however you can also add and delete categories. Note, any changes you make to the available categories impacts all global identifier users on your OSS-ESPA account.
If you have a file containing multiple white list identifiers you can upload them automatically using the Global identifiers upload screen.