Managing drive data files

This topic describes how to upload, approve, delete and download drive data files. It also explains how to open a drive data collection for the purposes of viewing and controlling it.

Before you can use drive data files in analyses you must first upload them and then approve them.

There are different methods you can use to upload drive data files into OSS-ESPA:

  • The recommended method is for the GAR units to be configured so that their drive data is loaded automatically into OSS-ESPA. These drive data files then automatically appear on the GAR drive management screen where you can approve them and then they are available for you to use in analyses.

    Gladiator Forensics has configured your GAR units to load the drive data automatically.

  • An alternative method is to manually upload your drive data files using the Manage files screen. After you have uploaded your files they are automatically processed by OSS-ESPA and then displayed on the GAR drive management screen where you can approve them and then they are available for you to use in analyses.

Depending on how your account is configured you may be charged one token to use one or more drive data files on a case.

This feature requires option E3 Drive data/analytics.

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