GAR user assignment dialog box
This topic describes the purpose of the GAR user assignment dialog box and all the settings and buttons on it.
Select which GAR unit you want to set the user names on. You can also enter a new GAR unit name here so that when the GAR unit starts collecting data the selected users are notified.
Click to delete all the users assigned to the selected GAR unit. Note, if the selected GAR unit is not an active GAR unit it is deleted from the GAR drop-down list.
Select each user that requires email notification when drive files from the selected GAR unit have completed their file conversion.
Click to select all users.
Click to clear all users.
Enter any email addresses that require email notification when drive files from the selected GAR unit have completed their file conversion which do not appear in Select users. Multiple emails must be separated by a comma.
Select if you want emailed if there are any file conversion issues.
Select if you want emailed if there are any GAR alerts. The email contains a link to the a page which displays the alert position on a map.
Click to apply any changes you have made. The dialog box closes automatically.
Click to close the dialog box without applying any changes you may have made.